5 Minute Meditation: A Step-by-step Guide


Humans tend to take between 12 to 20 breaths per minute, and live between the ages of 60 and a 100. However, a tortoise, who may attain the age of 300 years, breathes only 4 times per minute. Slowing down during the day, and allowing yourself the space to reset and be mindful, can unlock a variety of benefits.

The benefits to meditation range from improved health to building a stronger overall mentality. Without further ado, here is our step-by-step 5 minute meditation guide to help you take a moment to breathe.

  1. Find a quiet area.
  2. Set your timer for 5 minutes.
  3. Sit in a comfortable position with your hands placed, or folded, on your legs.
  4. Close your eyes and begin to slowly inhale deeply. Focus on your breath and notice how your breath is traveling to your expanding stomach. Hold it, and then exhale. Making sure the air is fully expelled, and focusing on your breath passing the tip of your nose.
  5. As you continue to breathe deeply, start to relax your shoulders, let your arms grow heavy, and slowly focus on releasing any tension you feel throughout your body.
  6. When your mind starts to wander, notice it, and pull it back in. Begin to focus again on your breathing.
  7. When the timer goes off open your eyes and slowly bring your attention back to your surroundings.
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