Trusting Your Instincts: Knowing When It’s Time for a Career Change


Does a baby bird know when to leave a nest? Do baby turtles know where they need to go once they’ve hatched?

If you feel it in your bones, do not doubt your instincts. If that doesn’t convince you, ask yourself this: What does the word “career” mean? The dictionary defines career as “an occupation” that is “undertaken for a […] period of time” with “opportunities for progression.” Keyword here being progression.

Now, break that word down. You can do this in a myriad of ways, but we recommend answering this mini questionnaire that may just lead you to the answers you seek:


  1. Do you feel motivated in your current role?
  2. Do you feel challenged and/or engaged in your work?
  3. When you’re at work, are you able to focus?
  4. Do you feel envious of friends in other places?
  5. When Sunday evening rolls around, are you excited to get back at it?
  6. Do you feel valued at your office?

If you answered no to at least two of the questions above, chances are it’s time for that big change you’ve been waiting for. But what about salary, you may ask? “I’m comfortable where I am because my firm pays me X.” Again, your career should be about progression. Rather than looking for what you consider is the higher dollar now, look to progressing your career and skill set to open more doors for better opportunities and an even higher salary range than you can currently imagine.

So before parking it behind that desk for the rest of your working days, do yourself a favour: Life is about experience, take a leap of faith and for once, trust yourself.

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